It's our place!
All paddlers have good reason to support a clean environment, and especially clean water. Who wants to get out of the boat and swim on a hot summers day into a smelly, algae-filled river? For whitewater boaters, who are more often immersed than other canoeists and recreational kayakers -- and who sometimes take in water -- clean water takes on a deeper meaning. Iowa Whitewater Coalition supports the cleanest possible water as an investment in Iowa's future.
You can help!
You don't always need to be part of an organized effort to have a positive impact. As many paddlers of larger boats do, simply carry a small trash bag or bucket in your boat. Break out the bag or bucket when you stop along the trip. And yes, whitewater kayaks don't have a lot of room inside, but just taking a few moments to "escort" some litter to a nearby trash barrel or into a trash bag for disposal after arriving home has an immediate impact on your play spot.
Join an organized clean-up
To receive information regarding upcoming IWC clean-up events, please send an email to email. Friends of Iowa Whitewater Coalition including Central Iowa Paddlers and Skunk River Paddlers also organize cleanups. A monthly newsletter from Iowa Water Trails Association includes announcements for these and other cleanups across the state throughout the year.
Need help with expenses for your group's river cleanup project?
Check out our Clean Rivers Team Stewardship Program. We might be able to provide a mini-grant to help cover cleanup effort expenses (like recycling and disposal fees) that directly improve the condition rivers and streams in Iowa.